Well now this has really been a long time with no updates. I have had crazy eczema on my hands this spring and so have knit only a very little bit. I still haven't finished the dragon, I hate sewing things up. The socks came out of time out for a bit then the heels looked stupid and I didn't want to frog so back in to time out they went. Tony's shorts have a few more rows. The bag was finished. And also I made a bath mat for my brother's house warming.
Then I made a tiny dog sweater for my mom's new puppy.

And my project that is almost done is a pair of cargo shorts for my Monkey. Although since all I have left is to sew on the pockets, things are not looking good. I HATE sewing things together because it always looks like complete crap. Ah well, maybe they will get done soon, hopefully before it is too cold to wear them or he outgrows them.